Friday, December 6, 2019

Social Justice and Change in Global World -

Question: Discuss about the Social Justice and Change in Global World. Answer: Introduction In the modern day scenario, there are several issues being faced on a global level. People often become selfish about their own selves without taking into consideration the sufferings and pain of all the people of the world. It is the time that people all over the world start thinking about taking measures that would help them to promote the common good. In other words, it is the time that the young people of the country join hands together (Wagner, 2005). One such global issue is taking care of the elderly. It is high time that people all over the world must realize that the old generations of people are not the burden but the asset of the society (Nicholas, 2010).There are several instances when the older people are not allowed to afford a minimum acceptable standard of living. This is because in many parts of the world the elder people are not allowed to work after they reach the age of retirement. They suffer from the employment crisis. After reaching the age of retirement the ol d people have to give up working at seat at home. However, they do have the support of their family members to care for them but in most of the cases, it is being seen that the family members are not being too much care towards their elder generations. The two most commonly seen barriers are that the old people are being stereotyped as dependent and unproductive (John Paul II, 1998).They are being seen as an extra burden that will not be contributing anything towards the overall income of the family but will be utilizing a good portion of the earnings for their own self. They are insulted not only by their families but also in their respective workplaces. It has been seen in a national survey that a large section of people above the age of 50 was denied job opportunities. They were also being denied further training to prosper on the job. This also results in a huge loss for the economy of Australia because they lose a large amount of skilled workforce due to the age discrimination among employees. Remedies There are several measures that must be taken by the company to deal with this issue of global concern. The first and foremost measure that can be taken by the State is reducing the age discrimination among the employees. It is because of this practice that a large number of people become unemployed every year. After losing their job they have to sit idle at home and are often ill-treated by their own family members. So, the first important step that has to be taken is to offer ample employment opportunity. This opportunity must be extended to the elder generations of people even after their age of retirement so that they can be working for a longer period of time. This will no longer make the old people feel dependent on their family members. They will no longer be treated as unproductive or dependent (Bishops, 1979). The next measure that has to be taken is to change the mindset of the state. The old people are often ill-treated at the workplace. Care has to be taken so that the improvement measures are taken on a full form. In other words, the measures that are being adopted by the Government to increase the age of retirement of the elder people must not leave their work halfway (A VOTE FOR THE VOICELESS A statement by the Catholic Bishops of Australia on the election, 2016). They must see that these elderly people are often all the suitable amenities within their workplace. Often it is seen that the elder people are being misbehaved by the companies that are actually hiring them. It has to be noted by the company that the old people are not to be viewed as a means of value creation. There are many people who have already reached a considerable age and must not be expected to work very hard in the offices. It has been declared by the Church that proper employment opportunities are to be established not only for the economic benefit but also for the purpose of social recognition. In other words, not only must the state give extended job opportunity to the old people but they have to make sure that the old people are also treated with proper dignity and respect. An older employee might be 60 years of age. So, it has to be understood by the state that though he can manage to remain at the office for a certain time period but he is too old to serve unlike the rest of the young employees. So, it will really be unjust to ask him to work at the same pace like the rest of his co-workers. He has to be given some special benefits like regular breaks within the working hours, a separate cabin with proper amenities like a soft padded chair so that they can sit and work comfortably. All the other staffs must make sure that they are behaving properly with the elder people. They are to be given flexible shit timings and a peaceful work environment (Sullivan, 2013). Among the elder people who suffer due to unemployment, the women need some extra attention. This is because the elderly women are the ones who are doubly dominated. Throughout a major portion of their lives, they are busy in taking care of their family members. Though they might have received employment opportunities,but it was not really very helpful for them as it had very little chances of growth and development. There were often discriminations among men and women and the pay for the women was much less than that of men. As a result of this, the number of pensions available to women was also much less (Cochran, 1999). This led to the very low amount of savings for the elderly women and most of them have to spend their lives in utter misery during old age. Even in the present day scenario, the balance for women is almost half than that of men. However, there has been the introduction of compulsory superannuation which looks after proper pay of elderly women(Devitt, C). Hence, the elderly women must be entitled to some special advantages like very like flexible working hours, comfortable working ambiance, provisions for fixed leave with payment. Apart from this, some kinds of housing and medical allowances must also be granted for women. Proper measures have to be taken for looking after the homeless people. Homelessness is a major challenge faced by people in Australia. Most of the homeless people are the elderly people who have either abundant by their families. Hence, there has to be a joined effort taken by the Church and the State to provide proper accommodation free of cost or at a very low affordable price. The state must collaborate with the Church and follow the Biblical preaching as per which all people are equal. There must not be any discrimination done to people. People must be able to give up greed and materialism and value the principles of love, dignity, and respect (Mel, 2009). The ultimate objective must be to give up seeing the old people simple in terms of productivity and materialism but they must be given proper respect and dignity. It is time for the youth of the society to come together and set up various campaigns and organizations for supporting the elderly people. Conclusion Thereby, it can be concluded that, it is the duty of all the members of the society to come together and work together for promoting a common good. In other words, people must stay true to the catholic teachings and must put in their joined efforts to make it a success. One such cause is taking care of the elderly. Often the old people are neglected by their families as soon as they reach the age of retirement. As they no longer make any monetary contributions to their families, they are seen as dependent and unproductive. However, it is at this point of time they are in need of immense support. The family members and the society as a whole must take care of the elderly and provide them sufficient opportunities for working and living a respectable life. References A VOTE FOR THE VOICELESS A statement by the Catholic Bishops of Australia on the election. (2016). (pp. 2-3). Braddon: Australian Catholic Bishops Conference. Bishops, U. C. (1979). Brothers and Sisters to Us. InWashington, DC: United States Catholic Conference. Google Scholar. Clark, M. J. (2014).The Vision of Catholic Social Thought: The Virtue of Solidarity and the Praxis of Human Rights. Fortress Press. Cochran, C. E. (1999) The Common Good and Healthcare Policy May-June 1999. Devitt, C. Justice in the Global Economy: What It Means for Earth-Care. Donley, S. R., Grandjean, C., Jairath, N., McMullen, P. Nursing and the Common Good November-December 2006. Francis, P. 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